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People's lawmaking initiative


The silence of the "bottom" is the capitalization of the power of the "top".


About Us

In early 2023, a group of Ukrainian scientists and intellectuals began fruitful work on drafting potential legislation to improve Ukraine's pro-European democratic status. While a politician is primarily concerned with the level of support from his or her own electorate, an academic institution or ordinary and politically active citizens, unlike the former, do not try to retain the mandate of legitimate power.
Our main goal is to directly realize the opportunity given to us by the Constitution, to direct our people's power not for the sake of power as an end, but for the sake of power as a means to build a strong and sovereign Ukraine. It is the reformers from the grassroots, who are mostly out of the limelight of the popular media, who live for politics, not at the expense of politics.

Mechanism of work

  • What we do

    We cooperate with leading scientists from various Ukrainian institutes, professional Ukrainian and foreign experts in various fiields of the country's development, as well as with politically active citizens of Ukraine, where, based on the relevance of the issues raised by society and scientific research, we develop potential bills and promote them to the Parliament for further implementation. We also involve other civil society organizations, politically active citizens, youth and the media.

  • What we don't do

    We do not try to raise the rating of a particular political force or an individual MP with our work. We do not fulfill "orders" from those in power. We do not care about the "color" of a political force, as long as they also stand for European democratic values. We study, analyze, formulate and propose our own lawmaking initiatives to the Ukrainian legislature. It is extremely important for us to preserve democratic substance in our sovereign state, because democracy is always just a process of establishing freedom and equality of rights, not a static phenomenon of political and social life.



"Bottom-up" is a people's lawmaking initiative, where the main ideology is to build up the unbiased and impartial voice of the "grassroots" in order to build a constructive common democratic future. The socio-political initiative should come from the bottom up, as otherwise it means social irresponsibility, political inertia and regression of democratization.

If the country is built exclusively by the "top" (the ruling elite), and the "bottom" (ordinary citizens) participate in the political life of their country only during the next election or mass protests, then corruption, oligarchy, and even dictatorship flourish. We need to understand a simple thing: to see a certain social or political problem and find a way out, we need not a mandate from the authorities, but an inner desire, the power of the mind and action.

Scheme "Levels of leadership"

Why preference should be given to the "bottom" (middle and low levels)

  • Illustration

    Top leadership is the elite of power. These are political leaders who speak on behalf of their voters about certain issues in the country and ways to solve them, mostly in the context of their election program.
    ● Advantage – the speed of social and political decision-making. Legitimacy.
    ● Disadvantage – publicity. The high publicity results in a certain media press. Thus, the elite of power needs to maintain a balance between showing strength to their political opponents and voters, because every step they take is a high stakes for their political career and the face of the legislative or executive branch they represent (public trust).

  • Illustration

    Middle-level leaders are individuals respected by society, public organizations and figures, scientists, scholars, and intellectuals.
    ● Advantage – they have access to the elite of power, but can cooperate equally with both the "top" and the "bottom." They are not associated with political orthopraxis, which controls their every step, word, or decision. They are directly familiar with the real situation at the grassroots. Their position is not based on political or military power. These leaders do not want to have power as such. Middle-level leaders are rarely in the spotlight of political or public life, and therefore, their position and work do not depend on the number of their followers as potential voters. Therefore, the middle level has more freedom of action and more opportunities than the same politicians (top leadership).
    ● Disadvantage – there is no protection from political persecution or intimidation. Bribery. There may be a long process of lobbying for certain bills.

  • Illustration

    Grassroots leaders – local leaders and public figures of small communities and communities who are able to gather and hold a certain mass of people for a certain period of time.
    ● Advantage – simplicity, mass or crowd. Trust from other citizens.
    ● Disadvantage – the issues raised are focused mostly on the local level, i.e., on the local level, concerning such basic items for the short term as food, housing, minimal security, social assistance. Situational and chaotic nature of crowd formation. Bribery.

The members of the NGO "Bottom-up" are leaders of the middle level, and therefore their socio-political activity is more autonomous, constructive and productive.

The team


Andriy Prikhodko

Co-founder of the NGO "From the Bottom Up". Attorney at law, Doctor of Law, recognized media expert on legal issues, legal advisor to well-known politicians and businessmen


Andriy Shydlovskyi

Founder of the NGO "From the Bottom Up". He is a writer. Publicist. Psychologist. Political psychologist. Member of the Association of Political Psychologists of Ukraine.


Olena Nikiforuk

Co-founder of the NGO "From the Bottom Up". Head of the Department of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of Economics

Our partners


Association of Political Psychologists of Ukraine


Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Ukrainian Institute of Politics


Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Institute of Social and Political Psychology of Ukraine


NGO "All-Ukrainian Movement "Public against Corruption"


I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Our projects

Amendments to the Electoral Code of Ukraine

The essence of the project is to minimize pre-election populism and modify election campaigning, which is now more focused on a candidate's election program for the legitimacy of the government than on his or her own political personality (authority). A candidate's election program now has a specific structure: 1) analytical part; 2) planning part


Military credit unions

Presentation of a potential draft law
Supplement to the Law on Credit Unions No. 5125


Law on Online Manifestations (Digital Rally)

The essence of the project: a legitimate way for adult citizens of Ukraine to cover a particular social or political, local or national issue in the country by direct action through the online space on the Diia digital platform. The ability to defend one's constitutional rights through the digital space, without threatening one's own or others' life and health, and without street pogroms.



Please contact us and describe the economic, cultural, or socio-political problem that you believe is hindering the pro-European development of sovereign Ukraine. After all, understanding the current situation of the country's development means hearing the voice of the "grassroots". Thus, each of you, no matter what your job or social status, can and should shape a successful Ukraine here and now.
Ukraine is you!
Describe your problematic issue to us, and we will find a solution. There is no need to be silent or just complain about the inaction or corruption of the authorities. These are the mistakes of the past, and we need the future we fought so hard for. The government is the people. Remember: "The silence of the "grassroots" is the capitalization of the power of the "top". Act!

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